Saturday, 29 August 2pm – 5pm
Ages 7 - 12
What will the camp entail?
We’ll have a combination of fitness exercises (disguised as games), boxing technique instruction, boxing drills, padwork, some games to improve reflexes and hand/eye coordination, etc.
Don’t worry, we’ll throw in a bunch of breaks so the kids don’t get overtired. We’ll intersperse “rest time” throughout the afternoon. For example, we plan to screen a brief inspirational documentary, about boxing in the Olympics, and a group “educational” discussion about the habits a good boxer follows (e.g. eating, sleeping, discipline, etc).
Our programme has been developed by Rachel Bower, Head Coach of Rathbone Amateur Boxing Club, who is also a seasoned England Boxing Coach. She’s based the camp on the sorts of stuff she’s done with young boxers at England Boxing training sessions.