Kids Holiday Camp with Coach Rachel

Saturday, 29 August 2pm – 5pm

Ages 7 - 12


What will the camp entail?


We’ll have a combination of fitness exercises (disguised as games), boxing technique instruction, boxing drills, padwork, some games to improve reflexes and hand/eye coordination, etc. 


Don’t worry, we’ll throw in a bunch of breaks so the kids don’t get overtired.  We’ll intersperse “rest time” throughout the afternoon.  For example, we plan to screen a brief inspirational documentary, about boxing in the Olympics, and a group “educational” discussion about the habits a good boxer follows (e.g. eating, sleeping, discipline, etc).


Our programme has been developed by Rachel Bower, Head Coach of Rathbone Amateur Boxing Club, who is also a seasoned England Boxing Coach.  She’s based the camp on the sorts of stuff she’s done with young boxers at England Boxing training sessions.


Spaces are limited.  Book early to avoid disappointment.



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